From the Series: Customer Success Stories

Jane's Smooth Transition to Disposable Cigalikes

Many smokers considering the switch to e-cigarettes worry about finding a product that replicates the familiar experience of a cigarette. Jane, from Northampton, found herself in this situation when her usual brand of cigalike, 10 Motives, was discontinued. This case study explores Jane's journey and how OK Vape Disposable Cigalikes provided a satisfying and hassle-free alternative.

A Dependable Choice for Two Years


Jane's experience with e-cigarettes began two years ago. For Jane, cigalikes, with their cigarette-like design and draw, offered a familiar alternative to traditional cigarettes.

"I switched over to E-Cigarettes about 2 years ago now. I have used the 10 Motives brand of Cigalikes in the past, but they are now discontinued."

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I switched over to E-Cigarettes about 2 years ago now. I have used the 10 Motives brand of Cigalikes in the past, but they are now discontinued.

The Inconvenience of Rechargeables

While Jane initially used 10 Motives cigalikes, their discontinuation forced her to seek a new option. One of the key factors influencing her decision was the convenience of disposable devices.

"I find the rechargeable cigalikes are not always particularly convenient, depending on circumstances"

The need to carry a charger and find a place to top up the battery can be a deal-breaker for some users, particularly those on the go.

Bulk Purchase and a Taste Revelation

Jane's search for a new disposable cigalike led her to OK Vape. Initially attracted by the bulk purchase discount, she discovered an unexpected benefit - taste. She says:

"I found I prefer the taste of the OK Vape Cigalikes."

Cigalike Disposables from just £6 each
Cigalike Disposables from just £6 each
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I find the rechargeable cigalikes are not always particularly convenient, depending on circumstances, I found I prefer the taste of the OK Vape Cigalikes.

A Familiar Choice in a Crowded Market

For Jane, brand exploration wasn't a priority. She explains:

"OK Vape and Ten Motives are the only brands of cigalikes I have tried, as I just want an e-cigarette that looks and feels like a cigarette."

This focus on replicating the cigarette experience is a common theme amongst cigalike users. The vast array of flavours and features offered by some e-cigarettes isn't for everyone. Some users, like Jane, simply want a substitute that feels familiar.

The Perfect trifecta: Taste, Price, and Convenience

When asked what she likes most about OK Vape Disposable Cigalikes, Jane's answer is clear and concise:

"Taste is right, price is right, and I can carry one in my pocket or handbag without worrying whether the battery needs to be charged."

This trifecta of factors - taste that satisfies, a price point that doesn't break the bank, and the convenience of a disposable device - is precisely what makes OK Vape Disposable Cigalikes a compelling option for those seeking a smooth transition from cigarettes.

Cigalike Disposable in Tobacco and Menthol flavour
Cigalike Disposable in Tobacco and Menthol flavour
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OK Vape and Ten Motives are the only brands of cigalikes I have tried, as I just want an e-cigarette that looks and feels like a cigarette. Taste is right, price is right, and I can carry one in my pocket or handbag without worrying whether the battery needs to be charged.

A Recommendation for Those Seeking a Switch

Jane's experience serves as an encouragement for those considering disposable cigalikes, particularly those facing a discontinued brand or those looking to quit smoking. She concludes:

"If someone asks me what they can use if their usual device is discontinued, or they want to stop smoking, I would have no hesitation in recommending OK Vape Disposable Cigalikes." 

Jane's story demonstrates that switching to e-cigarettes can be a straightforward process, especially for those seeking a familiar and hassle-free experience.

Longer lasting and cheaper than 10 Motives - OK Vape Review
Longer lasting and cheaper than 10 Motives - OK Vape Review
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If someone asks me what they can use if their usual device is discontinued, or they want to stop smoking, I would have no hesitation in recommending OK Vape Disposable Cigalikes.

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How OK Vape Can Help You Quit Smoking

Jane's transformation from a smoker to a vaper with the assistance of OK Vape Cigalike is genuinely remarkable. Witnessing her unwavering commitment to breaking free from smoking and embracing a healthier lifestyle is inspiring.

At OK Vape, our mission is to support individuals in making healthier choices and kicking the smoking habit for good.

If you're embarking on the journey to quit smoking, the OK Vape Cigalike range offers something for everyone.

Click here to read more inspiring Case Studies >

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